Already Toast: Caregiving and Burnout in America by Kate Washington

Already Toast is primarily a memoir about the author’s experience being thrown into the caregiver role when her husband Brad is unexpectedly diagnosed with cancer. Kate and Brad are living their best lives as busy, young early career professionals and as parents to small kids. She shares her brutally honest and emotional experiences she was forced to navigate but sprinkles in some journalism about caregiving the flaws within the healthcare system. 

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Book Review: In Love: A Memoir of Love and Loss by Amy Bloom

Amy Bloom is a NYT bestselling author and psychotherapist who published her memoir “In Love: A Memoir of Love and Loss” on March 8th, 2022. I have consumed this book as both an audiobook and as a physical book. While I find her writing to be powerful, beautiful, and easy to read - I prefer the audiobook.

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Palliative Chemotherapy: What You Need To Know

When you're faced with a new cancer diagnosis, it's natural to want to start treatment as soon as possible. But before you dive in, it's also important to make an informed choice about your treatment plan. That's why you need to know the ins and outs of a common term used in oncology: "palliative chemotherapy." Let’s unravel this term so that you know what questions to ask your oncologist if you're being offered palliative chemotherapy.

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Managing Nausea When You Can’t Swallow Pills

Nausea is miserable, isn't it? We are fortunate to have many anti-nausea medications to choose from these days. But what are you supposed to do when you have nausea that’s so bad that you can’t keep down the pills that are supposed to make your nausea better?

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2 Reasons You Need A Health Care Power of Attorney

There are many reasons why you may choose to have a healthcare power of attorney, but there are two specific reasons why you NEED one. Both reasons have to do with giving you freedom to deviate away from the path of default medical management. Let's review!

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